Wisteria Tree


  • Place the seed/s into a container of hot water +/- 60’C, allow the water to cool.
  • Leave the seeds to soak for 24 hours.
  • When ready to sow, soak the peat pellet in water until it expands fully.
  • Place the seed into the centre of the expanded peat pellet (as per step 2 & 3 of the printed instructions included) no more than the height of the seed deep.
  • Place the peat pellet onto a tray or plate, and place the tray in a warm, bright area, like a window sill, to germinate.
  • Water daily to ensure that the growing medium remains moist
  • Once germination has occurred and the primary leaves have sprouted, you can transplant the entire pellet into the pot provided.
  • Place potting soil or growing medium into the pots and carefully place the peat pellet into the medium, keeping the top of the pellet exposed.
  • Set it in a sheltered area e.g. a covered patio with morning sun or a window sill with morning sun.
  • Continue to water as necessary to keep the soil moist, not saturated.
  • It can take wisteria seeds 30 to 60 days to germinate.

Seedling Care

  • Grow the seedlings under bright, sheltered conditions, outdoors.
  • Water when the soil dries out on the surface. After watering, empty any collected water from the drip tray, they should not sit in water as Wisteria do not enjoy having “wet feet.”
  • When the seedling is over 5cm tall, you can plant into a larger pot – not a bonsai pot at this stage – but a standard garden variety plastic pot, using standard potting soil.
    You do not need to remove the seedling from the peat pot, plant the entire peat pot and seedling into the new pot, the peat pot will break down and work into the potting soil.
  • Fertilise the seedling every 3-6 weeks, depending on the condition of the plant.

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